Carian Kursus

[ KLA1007 ] Kursus Change Management [ Siri 2/2024 ]

Sinopsis Kursus

Kursus ini direka bentuk khas untuk pegawai Kumpulan Pengurusan dan Profesional dari gred 41 sehingga 56 yang berkhidmat di kementerian/jabatan/agensi persekutuan dan kerajaan negeri.

Objektif Kursus
  1. At the end of the course, participants will be able to understand the fundamentals of managing change
  2. At the end of the course, participants will be able to identify the steps of change process; and
  3. At the end of the course, participants will be able to list Change Management Models
Syarat Tambahan


Modul/Topik Muat Turun
Hari Pertama | 16/07/2024 | Selasa
Masa/Sesi Topik
SESI 1 : 08.30 Pagi - 10.30 Pagi
: Introduction to Change Management
SESI 2 : 11.00 Pagi - 01.00 Tengah Hari
: Obstacles to Change and Change Failures
SESI 3 : 02.30 Petang - 04.30 Petang
: Aktiviti Kumpulan
Hari Ke-2 | 17/07/2024 | Rabu
Masa/Sesi Topik
SESI 1 : 08.30 Pagi - 10.30 Pagi
: Role of Leaders in Change Management
SESI 2 : 11.00 Pagi - 01.00 Tengah Hari
: Kubler-Ross’ Change Curve Model & Kurt Lewin’s 3-Stage Model
SESI 3 : 02.30 Petang - 04.30 Petang
: Modul Malaysia Madani Perkhidmatan Awam
Hari Ke-3 | 18/07/2024 | Khamis
Masa/Sesi Topik
SESI 1 : 08.30 Pagi - 10.30 Pagi
: Kotter’s 8-Steps Change Model
SESI 2 : 11.00 Pagi - 01.00 Tengah Hari
: Prosci’s ADKAR Model